architecture student


What is an architect? (some definitions)

+An artist/creator

+Who provides beauty to what surround us

+Someone to manage to control time and space

+Responsible for all the consequences of his decisions

How could be train to be an architect?

Analyze everything that surrounds you

Drawing, it help us express an interpretation of reality

Photography, it allows us to control the space and light better (also helps watching films)

Traveling, to acquire knowledge of other perspectives

Be critical and curious

Share your thoughts and ideas

Understand the needs, materials, compositional rules, viability and constructions techniques

To think

“Architects want to be philosophers or artists now”

—Peter Zumthor

“Designing is a continuous process of finding”

—Kazuyo Sejima

Tips for beginners: (us)

+Don’t take architecture for a living

+Think about the why of things, always analyze from different perspectives

+Order from general to particular (DO NOT CONFUSE THEM)

+Be patient and take time to prepare

+No competitions!!
+ What really counts is the quality of character

+See the construction process working

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